
Payments are made by the service seeker, as prescribed, for availing various services.

Refund requirements are as below:
1.1 Multiple Payments

In the cases given below, the service seeker does multiple payments i.e. more than once for the same service, due to the reasons given under:

  • Technical Problem occurs at the payment gateway and no response is received by the system. Under this scenario, it is possible that the payee’s account is debited but no response is received at the system for information of the user.
  • Due to low network bandwidth or network congestion, the response takes some time and the session times out (no acknowledgement conveyed to the user) but the amount is debited from the payee’s account. Though there is provision to re-generate the receipt, the service seeker quite often tend to do multiple payments due to anxiety and precaution ignoring the availability of such facility.

In all these cases, the service seeker unaware of the status of payment, resorts to payment again to make sure the payment is completed. That is to say, the service seeker ends up paying more than once, though he avails the service only once.

1.2 Incorrect Payments

The cases of incorrect payment where the service seeker could ask for a refund include:

  • Service seeker has made a series of payments through an incorrect option under the payment of challan facility.
Incorrect Payment via NEFT

The cases of incorrect payments where the service seeker could ask for a refund include any one of the following:

  1. Payment after the expiry date of SRN
  2. Single consolidated payment for multiple SRNs
  3. Excess payment than the amount mentioned by the system
  4. Less payment than the amount mentioned by the system
  5. Payment made without generating any SRN
1.3 Excess Payment

Refund cases may also include the instances of excess payments being done by the service seeker, as stated below:

  • Any excess compounding fee made by the service seeker due to some incorrect data entered by the service seeker.
  • The excess compounding fee also includes additional compounding fee paid due to delay in payment on account of technical problems in the system.

The DEST&CC considered that the duplicate payments or excess payments are reversed back or refunded to the customer after due verification, taking into account the specific exclusions from the process where the onus is on the person paying the fee to ensure correctness of all particulars.

Exceptions where the refund is not allowed through the system:
  • NEFT refund covers all un-linked transactions i.e. there are no exceptions to NEFT refund requests.
  • Following are the exclusions from the refund process:
    • Public inspection of challan document
    • Challan withdrawn cases
    • Payment of challan for the correct amount mentioned by the authorized person

In case of a refund of the compounding fee, the service seeker shall directly approach the concerned authorized person responsible for the challan referring to courts of the State, who shall then forward the refund request to the concerned department through the app. and website. There shall be a facility in the back office to record the request received from the authorized person against payments.

Process for Refund of Compounding Fees

Compounding fee refund would be permissible, upon due verification, in case of (a) multiple payments; (b) incorrect payments; (c) excess payment via NEFT/ credit/ debit/ netbanking/ UPI.

Creation of a new role:

To facilitate the refund process, a new role as AO Refund for processing of refund requests shall be defined in the office. The office shall have the facility to assign the defined role to a particular person in the office.

A new eForm (Refund eForm) shall be available on the system portal for the service seeker to submit his request for refund.

Action by the Refund Service Seeker:
  • The service seeker shall have to fill the following information in the eForm:
    • Detail of the applicant.
    • SRN of the transaction for which the request for refund is made.
    • SRN of other transactions.
    • In case of excess payment, the amount of refund sought.
    • Reason for refund requirement; multiple payment, excess payment, incorrect payment.
    • In case of excess payment, consolidated payment via NEFT and NEFT payment without generating SRNs, the user will create a miscellaneous SRN to the amount paid and mention all the SRNs for which the consolidated payment was made.
    • Detail of the challan case.
    • Quantity of items compounded under the challan under H.P. Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Act, 1995.
    • Address for sending the refund and email ID for correspondence.
  • Attachments, if any, like screenshots, challan form, etc., shall be attached to the eForm by the service seeker.
  • The Refund eForm shall be digitally signed, and signatory role check rules shall be applicable for all cases to verify that the claim is made by the concerned person only.
  • Upon submission of the refund eForm on the system portal, a work-item shall be created for processing by the DDO, and the status of the same shall be set as ‘Pending for processing by DDO’ by the system.
  • Once the refund eForm is filed, further processing of the pending SRN(s), in respect of which the refund request is made, shall not be allowed. The system shall mark the status of the SRN(s) as ‘Pending for processing of Refund eForm’. This shall also be applicable to cases where the SRN is in any status like PUCL (Pending under clarification), RSUB (Re-submission), etc.
Action by DDO:
  • The following details shall also be displayed by the system in the work-item:
    • In cases where the reason for the refund is excess payment, the facility to calculate the compounding fee.
    • In case where the reason for the refund is multiple filing of the eForm, then details of the reference number, person or company or institute name, etc.
    • Amount to be refunded.
  • The DDO shall scrutinize the refund request and, in case where some additional details are required, shall have an option available to send the same to the operator.
  • There shall be a link in the work-item to view the details of SRN(s) and corresponding work item(s) mentioned in the refund eForm.
  • On the basis of scrutiny of the refund request, the DDO may propose to accept for refund.
  • The DDO shall have the option to add comments (if any), noting, enter/ attach the facts of the case and provide any other information/ attachments.
  • In case the DDO wants to reject the request for refund without referring the same to the concerned office, he shall reject the eForm, and the work item shall be marked as ‘Rejected by DDO’. The DDO shall need to enter comments/ reason for rejection. Further processing and closure of pending SRN(s) in respect of which the refund request is made shall be allowed, and the same shall be marked as Open and assigned to the same previous role.
  • On the basis of the comments entered by the AO refund, the DDO shall mark the work item as ‘Eligible for Refund’ or ‘Rejected for Refund’.